
My First Blog Post

Blood rushing through my veins as if I am on an adrenaline rush.I am very excited since its my first official post!!!

No amount of money ever bought a second of time.

—Tony Stark.

So I created this blog to explore more about this world and may be share few of my experiences.

Will it be easy ? Nope.Will I make mistakes? Yes. Worth It? Absolutely.

Next comes why you should read my blog? Well all I would say is that if you wish to read something that’s worth giving time why not come to my blog!!

This is the first post on my new blog. I’m just getting this new blog going. This blog would have everything from my life experiences to tech bits to food and travel to science and space and many more so stay tuned for more!! Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.

Open-Source Community- How to become an active contributor

Open-Source development has truly transformed the technical revolution all around the world and the open-source community has grown rapidly from its initial stages when Richard Stallman introduced the GNU project, the first “free operating system” to the present scenario where more than 70% of the software codebases around the world consist of some open-source components.

In real open source, you have the right to control your own destiny.

Open source refers to source code that has been made available to the public to view, use, modify, and distribute under a license. The open-source community collaboratively helps in developing and maintaining open-source projects.

By becoming a part of the open-source community, you can not only enhance your technical skills but also hone your people skills like communication, giving and receiving feedback, emotional intelligence, etc.

As a beginner to the open-source environment, it can be quite intimidating and confusing as to how one can become an active contributor to open-source projects. Today, we’ll explore some strategies that anyone can use to kickstart their open-source journey and ultimately become an active contributor.

Finding a project to contribute to

One of the most important aspects of becoming an active open-source contributor is the selection of projects to contribute to. Always try to select a project which is familiar to you and you have some prior knowledge about.
Working on projects that you already use gives you an edge when contributing because you’re already pretty familiar with its details and this experience will definitely help you in contributing more often towards the project and becoming an active contributor. You can even suggest features that you want in the software or any problems faced while using the product.

Issue labels

GitHub’s explore page is a great way to find projects based on your preferences and you can even use the search tool by entering beginner-friendly contribution tags like good-first-issue, beginner-friendly, easy, etc.

Ways to contribute to open source

Contributing to an open-source project doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to provide exclusive code for the project, you can contribute to a project in many ways. You can make a contribution by making comments on existing code and APIs to add context or by writing documentation for the project. If you like to code, you can open a pull request to provide your code contribution or even open an issue to discuss and get help on a new feature or an issue.

If you don’t want to contribute to existing projects, you can even create your own open-source project which might also serve as an alternative to commercial software.

Ways to contribute in open-source

Working on issues and making contributions

Projects generally list the work that needs to be done and to build up your confidence and credibility you should start with the easiest and smallest contributions first that take the least amount of work. Read documentation related to the task to get a better understanding of what to do and always try to reach out to the community to ask for help, clarification, or mentorship. Once you’re confident enough on a task and know how to go about it, write some code and submit a Pull Request. Submit your work as per the contribution guidelines and if all goes well, you shall become an active open-source contributor in no time!

Pull request sample

Go ahead and get started!

Contributing to an open-source project can be an amazing learning experience since it allows you to be a part of a great community and also helps in developing your technical skills especially since you do not have to know every little detail about a project to make a contribution. So, what are you waiting for? Pick up a project and a community that supports new contributors, and get started with your contributions.


“Your time is limited ,so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

Steve Jobs

Genius , you might have come across this word quite a few times in your daily life and wondered what it really means and why only a few get the privilege of being called a Genius.

Well for me it isn’t such a great deal because I’ve figured out what it really does imply is:-







You might be wondering that hey I’ve got those things in me and you guessed it right ,you are indeed a GENIUS!!!

But then why am I not famous till date? The answer is that because there are other geniuses out there.Its like in an orchestra, every musician knows how to play the instrument very well and is a genius but the credit goes to the concertmaster who is the bigger genius of them all because he is the one who has taken all the other geniuses and directed them for a spectacular show.

So now how do I become a Genius?The answer is that you don’t become a genius,its a quality its like seeing things that other people also see but perceiving much more information than others do.One thing that one could do is that think out of the box because there can be an infinite number of solutions to a single problem.

Also being crazy is totally fine because even if he people around you don’t understand you one day or other they will and you just gotta wait for that time because its at that moment that they’ll understand that you are truly a genius.

Being genius is like being the tenth man in the team , even if the other nine disagree to something a tenth man would agree on it because of a different perception.

In the minds of geniuses, we find – once more – our own neglected thoughts.

So what are you waiting for go out there and make something happen so that you are remembered long after you are gone as a GENIUS.

That’s all for now and I am aware that I wrote after a long time but all I want you guys to remember is that I love you 3000.


“The Mystery of Time Travel through my eyes.”

“Sometimes you gotta run before you walk”

Tony Stark

” If time travel was indeed possible , the first thing that I would do is go back and make sure no one ever knew about it”, those are the words of the world renowned space adventurist Elon Musk and I surely agree with him.

So to get started with, is it possible to somehow manipulate the space-time continuum in order to travel through time? My answer would be YES.

But even if time travel was to happen someday, I believe that the chances of getting information about it are very slim since the moment we receive this data we are being directed into an entirely new timeline and also resulting in many paradoxes.

Thus there might exist a different version of our reality where people are totally aware of time travel. There might also be a chance that instead of an alternate timeline, there exists an alternate universe as proposed by Dr. Stephen Hawking who was a strong believer of the concept of multiverse.

On June 28, 2009, Stephen Hawking threw a party for time travelers. The next day, he sent out the invitations. “Copies of it will survive in one form or another for many thousands of years,” Hawking later said in the documentary “Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking.”

Maybe one day, someone living in the future will find the information and use a wormhole time machine to come back to my party, proving that time travel will, one day, be possible,” he said.

One of the many proposed ways of travelling through time is travelling at speed of light like tachyon particles, but the main difficulty there would be to design a vessel strong enough to withstand such a huge amount of force and generating power enough to make it go at the speed of light.

With the advent of time travel this statement from The Ancient One could be proven totally wrong !!

Time travel would change the whole concept of death. What if you could travel back in time , inform yourself about the cause of your death and maybe even save yourself from ever dying!!Thus making human beings immortal. Although this might be not as easy as we think since messing with the time stream could have many after effects like temporal paradoxes,grandfather paradox etc.

I think that time travel has already been invented somewhere in our timeline. It might be in the future or in the past who knows!!

So maybe sometime in the future the entire knowledge about time travel would be known to us and it’s at this point of time that time travel won’t seem to be fictional at all.

That’s my view on time travel.Comment below if you find it interesting and let me know about topics which you want me to write on.

Until next time stay tuned and remember to be ZEALOUS!!! Adieu.

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